Erratic movement, flashing or rubbing on rocks and surfaces throughout the pond
Parasite Problem
Growths that look like "cotton balls"
- Fungal Infection
Open wounds or ulcers
- Bacterial Infection
Fins appear to be rotting away
- Fin Rot
- Bacterial Infection |
Red streaks in the fins
- Bacterial Infection
- Parasite Problem - Ammonia Poisoning |
Small, white spots that look like salt stuck to the body of the fish
- Ich
- Parasite Problem |
Gasping at the surface of the water
- Oxygen Depletion
Bulging eyes
- Bacterial Infection
Scales protruding from a swollen body like a pine cone
- Dropsy
- Bacterial Infection |
Difficulty swimming underwater floating at the surface upright
- Swim Bladder Disease
Red or swollen gills
- Parasite Problem